How to live your dreams

Do you make your dreams happen?
Do you have any at all?

“Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real.” – Jules Verne

I am living my dreams right now – actually several of them.
Most people (mainly in Slovakia!!) are afraid to dream. Pessimism is our national sport and complaining is right behind it.

My first dream has started right after my return from Asia in 2011.
My biggest wish then was to make a comeback to the fashion world and become a stylist. I kept being extremely optimistic with this vision despite the fact that everyone around me kept saying I can’t pursue it without connections and a fat envelope.

Guess what! Yes I can.

While I was waiting for my big break to come, I started Janatini. My blog was the perfect outlet of my creativity and my different point of view on fashion hasn’t stayed unnoticed. I was asked to make sketches for the costumes of new season of Panelak – the biggest TV series in Slovakia then. I met the producers and BOOM!
I got the job.
I lived this dream for two years. But don’t think it was easy … I worked my arse off day by day. Waking up early to make it to the set and falling asleep with the scripts.
I had zero private life … but it was worth it.


Working for a commercial TV station has brought me other great chances – styling TV commercials from big clients. Fun Radio, Tatra Banka, Zuno, J&T .. am I dreaming?
Yes I was. In real time.

After two years of living the TV life, I’ve stopped. I wanted to make the next move and pursue my blogging career a little bit more. Thanks to Janatini I got several offers to write blogs from other brands and companies and create content for them. I did start blogging professionally in 2014, just not with my own blog yet. I did have dream clients I always wanted to collaborate with. I was very patient because I knew, that one day the right time will come.

A couple of years have passed and a lot of things happened. I’ve ended my dream job as a fashion editor of Break magazine last year to – again – pursue my blogging career, this time it being Janatini. I’ve really started to work on a good content, post more articles and improve in editing photos (as I edit all of them myself for them to have the same vibe).
And it paid off!

Two months ago Janatini became the Best fashion blog in Slovakia and I could not be happier.

Another dream – check!


One of my “love brands” I have always dreamed of working with is BMW.
I was always drawn to their cars! I didn’t know when I was going to drive one but I always knew I would one day. (Don’t get me wrong … when it comes to cars, I’m still a typical woman – colour is always the most important! lol)

Thought came to action and after winning the third place in Blogger of the year awards 2016 I got a call from BMW, that they want me to test the MINI ! I was stoked and super happy (see the article from that test drive HERE)

The second time though I got a “little” upgrade – the brand new X4 for the full two months!
This slightly smaller version of X6 has to my opinion the perfect curves and it’s an ideal car for a woman. Not that men can’t drive it, but they can handle it’s bigger brother better I think. This sporty-yet-elegant beauty of white colour was a 2l diesel engine with just the right power. It’s trunk was big enough to fit the ton of styling bags plus a suitcase for a short trip. Parking cams from every angle, leather seats and speakers that wouldn’t put any club in Ibiza into shame ..
A dream!
It was a short-but-intense love story. The romance has vanished like a cigar smoke but I do believe that one day we’ll reunite forever!
Thats my material dream of the future but for now I am enjoying the ride called a “bloggers dream” <3

 Don’t be afraid to have dream that seems unrealistic to you. Just put that into your mind and don’t wait for the thing to fall from the sky. Work very hard towards it and one day it will come to you!

Next time I will write about how I made my “Blogger of the year” dream a reality.

But until then .. dream on!




In collaboration with BMW <3

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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  1. Jana Cernakova
    8 years ago

    Jani, napísala si to úžasne, som za treba snívať a tým sa posúvať ďalej.

    1. Jana
      8 years ago

      Dakujem Jani! <3

  2. @shy.redhead
    8 years ago

    skvelý článok !

    1. Jana
      8 years ago

      Dakujem! 🙂


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