Lindex Aupark Store Opening


It was exactly a week ago today that LINDEX has opened their third store in Bratislava – this time at the Aupark shopping centre. I was one of the 5 bloggers invited to the event and I am super happy, that I could be a part of it! It wasn’t just an ordinary invite. It was a full day programme involving pampering at the Don dela Beaute salon, chatting with the girls and getting pimped up by the LINDEX Beauty make up line.

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www.zlatastudna.skP603A3168 P 603A3262 Lindex Beauty kozmetika

Ak sledujete moju facebook stránku tak ste určite postrehli, že som týždeň pred eventom vyhlásila súťaž o účasť na tejto VIP udalosti, ako i o outfit podľa vášho výberu! Fantastické, nie? Vyhrala to Ivetka z Bratislavy a tento deň sme si spolu parádne užili 😀

If you follow my facebook page you have probably noticed me announcing a contest 1 week prior to the event. The lucky one got to join me for the Lindex Day and they got to choose an outfit of their choice to wear for the night (and so did I, yay!) The winner was Iveta from Bratislava and we truly had a day full of bliss 🙂


My outfit havd a bit of a retro feel (just like most of their new collection, after all) and the first thing I fell for was this leather jacket & skirt combo. Iveta picked a trendy stripy blazer and flares. Flares rock!


The opening was hosted by Barbora Rakovska accompanied by celebs such as Kristina Farkasova, Lenka Soosova and Evelyn. We also got a glimpse of the Sienna Miller collection coming to stores on the 31st of March.

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I am super happy that I got to be a part of this great Lindex experience!

Thank you LINDEX <3

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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1 Comment

  1. Daniela
    9 years ago

    Užasné fotky… vyzeráte perfektne (:



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