Travel Diary – POSITANO

Travelling is a spice of life and for me – personally – is very important. It gives you a different perspective on life and every day things, but most importantly – it inspires you. For a creative as myself inspiration is crucial – without it I couldn’t do my job. A couple of years ago I have experienced a (mild) burn out and in order to prevent it I’ve made a decision to leave the borders of my homeland every month. Even short trips count. Two days, four days.. Just leave and soak up what’s around you.
Having spent 6 years in Shanghai I can honestly say that one of my biggest blessing is having friends in every corner of the world. It becomes uber handy when you have a friend in a country you have never been to before. Italy is not exactly the case for me as I have been to Milano twice, but both count as work trips. I have never been to the south though – so popular among many and especially celebrities (too bad they don’t visit off season, lol)
The trip had kicked off in Rome. My friend picked me up at the airport and we drove down south. I have to say, the drive along the Amalfi coast was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life! Beautiful view, wind in my hair (although a cold one coz it was, well – december), wrinkles from squinting.. Fresh-but-nice breeze slaps you right in the face and suddenly you stop thinking about the fact, that you barely slept 4 hours to make the plane.
Positano is exactly how they describe it in the books – small, cozy, beautiful and colorful The people are friendly and food is superb. Countless boutiques spread across the whole town and suddenly your only worry is where to buy the most chic tunic or have the best sandals handmade right in front of you in 30 minutes. Unfortunately most of these places were closed due to off season but I did manage to find some treasures I sure will enjoy in Summer. The city was calm and quiet with hardly anyone outside – which for me was perfect, as my main reason for coming there was to relax. Of course it would be much better with higher outdoor temperatures but –  as they say – look for beauty in everything, even when you are on the beach in a 10 degree weather. Amen 🙂

Next day – Capri!

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All photos by taken by me
Positano Italy – December 2015

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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1 Comment

  1. Iveta
    9 years ago

    jeejda uplne to prezivam s tebou. Cela oblast cinque terre je jedno z najkrajsich miest ake som kedy videla. Tam som mala inak najlepsie špagety aglio e olio jooooj!


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