Boarding Outfit & What’s In My Travel Bag

My travelling period has just kicked off. It won’t be as busy as last year, but the trips will be more intense. The first one was to Sicily and we just came back a week ago.

Boarding outfit is a term me and Jozef use on regular basis. Since both of us used to fly a lot, it was something we included in our vocabulary and made it an official name for an outfit we fly in. For a blogger is crucial to pick the right boarding outfit, as it must be fully functional, yet fully instagrammable. It has to be absolutely comfy and you know you really pulled it off if you in your jumper and sweatpants still look like a Rihanna before a concert. Ha!

So what my boarding outfit really is?

It really depends wether I’m flying long or short distance, in the morning or the evening .. Carry-on weight limit also plays a role (on how many of them I need) and so does a fact, how far is my final destination from the airport. Comfort is the number one priority so I spend a really long time too look for things that have this attribute, but are still photogenic. Jeans, T-shirt, jumper … groundbreaking! I know. But..

Everything is made out of 100% cotton, polyester definitely is not our friend.

Ever since I have discovered these plain T-shirts by COS, I hardly wear any other. They are a pure cotton, but the quality of their fabric is incomparable with any other Tees I have worn before. They still look great after many washes and cost only 15 euro. Boom!
Boyfriend jeans with a stretch are also a big go and so are my cotton canvas sneaks. You never know what the weather is going to be like and you wanna wear a solid footwear when you get off a plane carrying and pulling three bags at once.

The last essential is one more layer – no matter how hot it is outside. The temperature on the plane tends to drop all the way down to critical levels and it’s good to have a jumper or a shirt handy. You can wear a liquid sweater too, lol, but the chances of getting sick is even higher when drinking. I took along my new Kenzo jumper, that I brought from my last shopping trip in Vienna.

To pack my carry-on is always tricky. Since I take all my electronics with me, it’s always a problem to fit everything in the handy luggage. Just my big camera and a laptop are already over the 8kg weight limit, so I have to divide it between a suitcase and my purse. This year I have finally exchanged my old wobbly carry-on for a new American Tourister. Their new collection is very colorful and it took me a while to pick the right combo. In the end I ended up with this: a white small carry-on, turquoise middle one and a the large one is dark blue. I didn’t get to shoot them here, because we had to rush to check in and only then were able to take photos.

The guys thought the white color is not very practical … but I think every suitcase should carry scratches and signs of travels and plus – I am planning to put a sticker on it from every trip! I already put the first one with my travel hashtag and I can’t wait for it to be fully covered!

My tote bag, that I always have on the plane by my feet, is packed very precisely. My new love by Karl is every travellers dream – it’s big, stylish and it’s even in the theme!
I filled it with all the things I always need handy: passport & boarding pass, laptop (I love working on a plane), my Zenfone3, external charger, magazine (and also a book for longer flights), my new Olympus Pen to capture those over-the-clouds photos, noise cancelling headphones by Bose (that saved me from many screaming babies), my DoTerra oils for digestion, mineral water in a spray for a skin refresh and some snack.

Travelling is amazing and it shouldn’t be stressful. That’s why if you prepare everything ahead, you can enjoy it fully and get the best out if it!

Have a great week loves!


T-shirt – COS, jeans – ZARA, jumper – KENZO, hat – F&F, sneakers – NOVESTA, bag – KARL LAGERFELD

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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  1. P.Kay | Nasklee
    8 years ago

    Vyzeráš úžasne Jani!! Ja si myslím že klobúk by som hneď stratila keby s ním cestujem, ako sa poznám 😀 Ja som strašne chcela od Lagerfelda ten jet weekender, ale nakoniec som si ho predsa len odpustila, asi tak skoro cestovať nebudem 🙁

    1. Jana
      8 years ago

      Dakujeeeem 🙂 Klobuk sa nedal zbalit tak sme museli nanho davat pozor, ale veru skoro ostal v lietadle :DDD

  2. Adriana
    8 years ago

    Velmi zajímavý příspěvek, všechno vypadá suuuuprově. Možná nevyužiju všechny nápady, ale určitě tento příspěvek je pro mě inspirující.

    1. Jana
      8 years ago

      Super Adri, to sa velmi tesim a dakujem! 🙂


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