Summer Dress & Ice Coffee

Bare legs, colorful nails, rays of sunshine on my face and ice coffee … this is exactly what a Summer season kick off looks like!

Today was a beautiful day and I hope that it will stay this way trough out the whole Summer. Higher temperatures transform not only my mood, but also my schedule. Suddenly I don’t mind working on weekends and sometimes I even get up by myself before 7am (wow, I know!)

With raising temperatures come several changes: I wear more skirts, looser pants, I switch red wine for a chilled Chardonnay and ice coffee replaces the hot one. I have always been an immense fan of a good double cappuccino – even on a hot day – only because I could never find a good ice coffee in this area, that would not contain a pound of ice cream or a ton of sweet whipped cream. To my surprise I have finally found one though exactly to my liking. Starbucks came with Cold Brew – coffee that is slow-steeped in cool water for 20 hours. It’s handcrafted in small batches, without touching heat. That way the coffee has lower acidity, is stronger, naturally sweeter and is more gentle to your stomach. I use a pinch of vanilla sweet cream, just to give it a little twist (it does not taste as sweet as it sounds though, don’t worry!)

Although Starbucks has been in Slovakia for only about a year, I have been their huge fan since 2001. That’s when I had my first fancy caramel latte during my first modelling trip in Taiwan. I will always remember how we strolled down the streets to castings with a heavy portfolio in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other (way before we could doccument it on instagram). It was quite pricey then for us back then and we could afford it only once or twice a week. In each country I discovered a different drink and I have their signature hot drink thermos pretty much from each city that I use to live in. I still use it till till this days every morning to take my coffee with me to work. Starbucks means great memories from my modelling times and some of their signature drinks remind me of a different country till this day.

And Cold Brew will always remind me of Bratislava, since I have discovered it here at home.

Have a great weekend!

Love, Jana xo

dress – Zara
Shoes – Aldo (old)
Bag – vintage

Photo by Jozef Krovina

In collaboration with Starbucks <3

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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  1. P.Kay | Nasklee
    8 years ago

    Vyzeráš skvelo! <3 Ja Starbucks milujem tiež odkedy som mala moje prvé "Caramel Frappuccino" v Nemecku. Napriek tomu, že teraz si ho už často nedávam, keďže je to kalorická bomba, v Starbuckse som aj tak aspoň raz do týždňa, haha.

    1. Jana
      8 years ago

      😀 Ja tiez odolavam tym karamelovym veciam, ale niekedy sa neda! 😀


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