24 hours in Hong Kong


This post is a bit overdue (a big bit) due to my busyness and travels.
If you remember my first trip of the year – the Asia trip – it has ended with a lovely (and rather turbulent) 24 hour stopover in Hong Kong. I have lived in this cool city more than a decade ago and returned there on several occasions. I have good friends living there that I wanted to see during my short visit, so I called up Jane a stayed with her for 24 hours.
I got in in the afternoon feeling a bit sick – so my first text to Jane upon my  arrival was a request for a proper ramen and dim-sum.  She was happy I wanted to stay in and not go out … as if this would happen! After munchin on this Asian yummness we’d made the decision to go out for a drink. I mean Hong Kong was asking for it. Come on!

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The next day we made it (despite a massive hangover) to Kowloon for lunch Jane and I had been invited to. It was an honour to meet the head of marketing of Harbour City Ms Karen Tam and the other fashion editors and taste the fab food of the Michelin-Starred restaurant at Harbour City ! Peking duck, hot soup and a tasty green tea is exactly what you need on a day like this. And on your only day in Honkers.
After this lovely meeting we took a ferry to Hong Kong island. Like proper tourists. Its the best way to see the Hong Kong skyline, if you are short of time.
Walked around familiar streets… remembered the special moments of my 15 year old relationship with this city. Walked around for hours taking photos and trying not to think about the fact that I have to get on the plane in a few hours. Bed seemed like much better idea!

Of course we’ve done some shopping on the way. I’ve discovered a very special shop that I will write about in my next post!


I love capturing the atmosphere of the city. It also has a very particular smell that I love – spice mixed with rotten food of some sort. Very special mix. No other city smells like this! Thank you Hong Kong – and Jane – to make these 24 hours unforgettable <3
See you soon xx


April 2016
All photos by me (and some by Jane Dee 🙂 )

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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1 Comment

  1. n i i n – AMAZING JEWELLERY I FOUND IN HONG KONG - Najlepšie blogy
    9 years ago

    […] Hong Kongu počas mojej 24-hodinovej zastávky tohto nikdy nespiaceho mesta (viac o tom TU) som narazila na obchodík s názvom niin. Je to malý butik s krásnym […]


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