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Slovensko má veľa krásnych miest a zákutí (mnou prevažne zatiaľ neobjavených) a jedným z nich je určite Trenčín. Nie je síce prepchatý pamiatkami ako iné miesta, určite sa tam ale oplatí zastaviť aspoň na jednu noc. Ja som tam asi pred dvoma mesiacmi strávila víkend a perfektne som si oddýchla. Hotel Elizabeth je jeden z mojich najobľúbenejšich hotelov vôbec nielen pre svoj fantastický wellness a pohodlné postele, ale aj pre skvelý výber vín, jedla a fantastických zákuskov. Laptop nechajte doma, vezmite len knihu a dobrú hudbu a o zbytok sa postarajú. Hotel je situovaný hneď pod Trenčianskym hradom, takže mi samozrejme nedlo sa naň nevyštverať aj keď bola kosa 😀 Zhora je krásny výhlad a pod hradbami je zopár podnikov s teraskami, ktoré sú uz teraz určite pootvárané. Choďtte vypnúť! Sami alebo dvaja, užijete si to tak či tak 🙂


Slovakia offers many beautiful places and Trencin (or as I call it Trenchtown 😀 ) is one of them. It’s not overly packed with sites like some other cities might be, it’s definitely worth passing trough when crossing Slovakia or even go there for a weekend. As you can see from the pics I was there a couple of months ago, it took me a while to process the pics. I went there for a relaxing weekend to one of my favourite hotels – Elizabeth, that offers much piece and has an amazing spa, a great resto with a fantastic selection of wines and even more fabulous desserts. Not only it has been awarded to be the best customer care historical hotel in Europe, it’s also a perfect spot for spending a weekend with a book by the pool, get that massage you’ve been needing for weeks and leave your laptop at home. Located right under the Trencin castle (or in fact it’s built right into the rock that carries the castle) gives you a need to see it up close, so I took a walk up there to see the beauty of the city. It was chilly, but hey it was worth it. I definitely recommend it! 😉

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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