When you think of spring colors, you think of pastels, pinks and blues .. right? As you could have noticed from my instagram it has become very much my unfform lately. I’m an absolute oversized shirt addict (see here and here) and 90% of them are blue! Sky color is very flattering pretty much for all types and can brighten your face and eyes without much effort. Paired with my pink coat and brand new sneakers with pink soles … don’t need no more!
The weather is finally amazing and I feel like the last time it was this warm was a year ago. I have also started going to the city during the weekend and enjoy the walks and some not-on-my-nutriton-plan goodness. I mean, that’s what weekends are for, right?
Hope you had a great weekend!
Love, Jana xo
shirt – GANT
jeans – Zara
coat – New Yorker
sneakers – NOVESTA
bag – BALLY
Photo by Igor Kovacs
Rose Tascher
• 8 years agoMoc hezké 🙂
• 7 years agoDakujem ! <3
• 8 years agoTie okuliare sa hrozne peknééé (okrem iného), odkiaľ sú? Ospravedlňujem sa ak som to prehliadla v tomto článku alebo nejakom staršom.
Ďakujem 🙂
• 7 years agoDakujem Baska, brilky su od Italia Independent z OpticLab-u na Laurinskej v BA. Zabudla som to tam uviest 🙂