Cool značka so silnou story. Tak by som opísala ABIDELESS, novinku na (nielen) našom malom Slovenskom trhu.
Dvaja najlepší kamoši dali pred rokom hlavy dohromady a rozhodli sa sprlniť si svoj sen. Mesiace dreli a makali, hľadali vhodnú látku, dotvárali celkovú ideu. A výsledok? Fantastické tričká ktoré vynikajú nielen svojou kvalitou, ale aj silnou myšlienkou za kažým dizajnom. Celý produkt je vytvorený u nás na Slovensku, od na mieru vytvorenej látky cez šitie až po finálny dizajn. Zatiaľ ich možno kúpiť len v pánskych veľkostiach (čo ja osobne preferujem) ale už čoskoro prídu aj s dámskymi. Mrknite sa na ich eshop, majú tam toho viac a na ich štýlový lookbook.
Watch out! There is a new cool T-shirt brand coming straight from the heart of Europe.
Two best friends, driven by a purpose have decided to make their dreams a reality and in the early 2014 ABIDELESS was born. Months of hard work and sleepless nights have paid off. It’s not just a Tee with a cool design… there is a story behind every piece, they are all in limited numbers and (as the labels states) they are “not for everyone”.
These pieces are truly unique, as every design has a story. Strong pictures with strong statements, custom made fabric and handmade final product. But most importantly – they are MADE IN SLOVAKIA. For now they come in men sizes only (which I personally prefer to wear anyway), but soon releasing a woman cut of their tee. Check out their e-shop for more designs and their original lookbook.
T-shirt / tričko – ABIDELESS
jacket / bunda – zara
jeans – reserved
sneakers / tenisky – novesta
sunglasses / okuliare – thiery lasry
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