I was never a big fan of jean on jean. Combining two pieces in an outfit made out of jean fabric has been very 80s for me. Wearing jeans with a matching jean jacket (or even a vest) was so hip back then! For a long time it was unthinkable to wear these two pieces together – until a couple of seasons ago, when many brands came out with images combining jean and jean. Head to toe. And it looked great! I prefer wearing two different kinds of blue – but if I do wear the same blue on both pieces, I wear a belt dividing these two (for me the best is brown)
Voila! This is one of my fav daytime / work outfits, when it looks kinda chic and its super comfy (I often don’t even wear a bra if I don’t have to) Sneakers and a large tote and I’m ready to go! (btw the furry thing is not that warm, I am aware it’s May )
shirt / košeľa – mohito
jeans – zara
sneakers / tenisky – Novesta Marathon Burgundy
tote / kabelka – Prada
sweater / sveter – H&M Trend
• 9 years agoSuper! Možno by som to prežila aj bez toho kožúška :)) inak krásne
Rose Tascher
• 9 years agoTen huňáček je tam naprosto skvělý a posunuje celý outfit na vyšší level