My Top 3 Body Lotions Of This Summer

I have been a body lotion addict since I were 11. The lady in the shop had always told me there is no need to use them at such a young age, but I loved the way the skin felt after using them and oh – the fragrance! As such a young teenage you don’t use perfumes, so body cream is really the only scent you carry with you all day.
My love for body moisturizers has grown over the course of years and I have learned the difference between the heavy duty versions for Winter and their light weight Summer sisters. They also have different purposes and of course – different scents. I have picked my top 3 I use in Summer. Since you sweat a lot they need to be super light and have an amazing smell – which all of them do!




I’ve discovered this lotion in 2007 in London when flying to Ibiza. It not only leaves your skin moist and super smooth, it also has the BEST COCOA scent!!! I used it during the whole vacation in Ibiza and it always reminds me of those fun times. You can’t buy it in Slovakia but I have it brought by friends visiting UK or now you can even order it online from the Boot’s website.





I came across this bottle only a few weeks ago. This product is a combination of oil and milk, it might sound heavy but it’s not. It actually soaks into the skin super quick, leaving it moist and silky smooth. It smells a bit like a tanning product, which no matter the season it will always remind me of Summer! I haven’t been using it long enough to see if it really has anti-aging properties, but if you see me looking 16 in a month or two, it worked 😀




Gosh is not only a great make-up brand, they also have a nice range of face and body care products. It contains argan oil for that little extra and it smells like a garden! I suggest not to use perfume when using this. It leaves a super nice flair of light fragrance, just perfect for this hot weather.




Before going on a holiday, pick a body lotion suitable for the local weather with a scent you love. When you come back, the lotion fragrance will always remind you of the fun you had there and will always bring you to that place! 😉

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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Posted on September 9, 2017

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1 Comment

  1. Jana
    10 years ago

    Nejvíc mě zaujal Collistar, hlavně to jak píšeš , že voní jako opalovací krém, tu jejich vůni moc miluji 🙂


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