Made In Slovakia #1 – DONNA ROSI

Sometimes I have a big dilemma, what to wear for serious business meetings. I try to opt for something suitable in terms of the dress code, yet trying to stay true to my style, so I went for this fab print dress.  If pink is not your color (like mine), this dress will change your mind. The beautiful mix of pinks and blues on this print makes any woman glow. The fabric is so soft and comfortable you don’t even wanna take it off! And the best part is – it’s made in Slovakia. Our country is so small, I am always happy and proud to support a home based designer or a brand 🙂


Slovensko má nespočetne veľa značiek a návrhárov, o ktorých by svet mal vedieť a tak som sa rozhodla začať  seriál MADE IN SLOVAKIA. Každý týždeň predstavím nejakú značku alebo návrhára a rozhodla som sa to odštartovať s mojou srdcovkou Donna Rosi. Veľa ľudÍ nevie, že táto značka píše 25 ročnú históriu a ich dokonalo ušité kúsky nosia ženy nielen u nás, ale aj v Čechách, Londýne, Paríži či v Kanade. Špecializujú sa na biznis módu, ale tak isto šitie na mieru oblečenia rôzneho štýlu podľa potrieb zákazníka. Kúsky Donna Rosi v mojej skrini sú kombináciu môjho štýlu s ich podpisom. Viac sa nich dozviete na ich webstránke 🙂

I have decided to start a series on my blog called MADE IN SLOVAKIA and kicking it off with my favourite brand Donna Rosi, that I closely collaborate with. They have been on the market for 25 years and their amazingly tailored and well fit attire wear women not only in Slovakia, but now also in London, Paris or even in Canada. They specialize in business wear but also custom made clothes of any kind depending on the client’s needs. My pieces from them are always a combination of my style and the DR signature look. Go to their website to find out more 😉

dress/šaty – Donna Rosi
shoes/topánky – L.K.Benett
bag/kabelka – Donna Rosi
necklace/náhrdelník – Donna Rosi

Photo by Roman Poliacik

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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  1. monicainessence
    10 years ago

    saty su famozne, absolutne perfektny vzor, velmi zensky tvar. Cely look je velmi pekny, sviezy, perfis!

    1. jtomas
      10 years ago

      Dakujem 🙂

  2. evka
    10 years ago

    Janka, tie šaty sú top, proste Vám seknú, ako farba tak aj strih. Normálne som sa do nich “zamilovala”. Obľúbená kombinácia farieb – je to farebné, ale tak slušne, nie gýčovo, ani barbie …. 🙂

    1. jtomas
      10 years ago

      dakujem 🙂


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