Prague Time #2


Although there is a substantial time between my last and this post, they actually do come from the same trip. Prague and her magic gets to you while walking trough the old town, so despite the big party we had the first night, we managed to wake up and enjoy the city’s beauty on the second day as well. The weather was perfect, not too hot, a bit of a breeze which played perfectly with my flowy dress. It’s great because it’s very feminine yet comfortable, able to be worn with flats for the day or heels and a light jacket at night. Short and intense trips are the best, you always get the best out of the city in the shortest time!

Aj ked je medzi týmto a mojim posledným postom značný odstup, fotky pochádzajú z jedného výletu. Praha a jej čaro sa vám dostane pod kožu pri prechádzkach starým mestom, takže aj keď sme mali velkú párty v prvú noc, aj tak sme vstali a šli si užiť toto neskutočné miesto aj na druhý deň. Počasie bolo akurát, nepieklo, dokonca trochu fúkal vetrík. Najlepšie je si vtedy obliecť rozviate šaty, ktoré sú veľmi ženské a zaroveň pohodlné a dajú sa nosiť cez deň k sandálom a v noci s opätkami a ľahkou bundou.
Podľa mňa sú krátke výlety najlepšie, v minimálnom čase z toho vždy vyťažíte najviac!

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dress – h&m, bag – balenciaga, shoes – aldo, belt – h&m, necklace – stradivarius

photo: Igor Kovacs

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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  1. layeredindulgence
    11 years ago

    Love this dress and those sunglasses are amazing! You have such a cool blog:) I’m Kate and I’m really into styling and writing. I think you would really like my blog, check it out, I would really appreciate a follow back:)

    1. Jana
      11 years ago

      Thank you Kate! Will check out your blog! 🙂


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