We are so blessed that spring has arrived so early this year (well actually on time, but 2 months earlier than last year)! The weather was so amazing last weekend that me and my friends decided to go for our first spring picnic to an amazing location of Hainburg castle. It’s in Austria, but it takes only 15 min to drive there from Bratislava. There are many grass areas for chillin with amazing views of the Slovak capital as well as the Austrian countryside. I highly recommend it, you can spend the whole day there, the kids will love it too!
Tento rok máme naozaj veľké šťastie, že jar prišla tak skoro (teda vlastne prišla načas, ale o 2 mesiace skôr oproti minulému roku)! Počasie bolo tak nádherné, že sme sa s kamošmi rozhodli ísť minulý víkend na piknik na hrad v Hainburgu. Je to síce už v Rakúsku, ale autom ste tam z Bratislavy za 15 minút. Je tam veľa trávnatých plôch kde sa dá rozložiť deka a vegetiť s nádherným výhľadom na naše hlavné mesto a rakúsky vidiek. Vrelo odporúčam, bez problémov sa tam dá stráviť aj celý deň a aj decká sa tam poriadne vybláznia!
We made sure we got enough food
Zobrali sme si pre istotu kopu jedla
Happy feet!
Near and far
jacket/ bunda zara
t-shirt/tricko pull&bear
legins/leginy H&M
shoes/tenisky NOVESTA
watch/hodinky michael kors
bracelets/naramky donna rosi
• 11 years agoYou are gorgeous!! You also look just like my best friend Christina!! I had to take a second look!! Xx
• 11 years agoThank you Charlotte