17 rokov!!! Presne toľko ubehlo od vtedy, čo som navštívila toto mesto (áno, uvedomujem si, že to bolo v minulom storočí 🙂 . Na konci mojej návštevy mi predsa len ostalo pár hodín na návštevu jedného obchodu v centre a dať si ultra rýchly obed v centre pred odchodom na letisko. Letiac uličkami som sa snažila zachytiť čo najviac z atmošky tohto mesta jednak pre seba v prípade, že sa nevrátim ďaľšich 17 rokov a jednak preto, aby som sa o ne podelila s vami. Nech si každý tvrdí čo chce, pre mňa bude Miláno vždy fantasctickym miestom. Bolo to prvé mesto kde som žila sama (rozumej bez rodičov) a mám na to krásne spomienky <3 CIAOOO
17 YEARS!! That’s how long it has been since I have visited this city (yes I do realize it was in the last century :). At the end of the trip I had a few hours spare to go downtown and visit one shop and have a quick lunch before heading to the airport. I snapped as many pics as I could during the hyper speedy walk trough the center for me to have in case I don’t come back for another 17 years haha, capture the atmosphere and of course, to share them with you. No matter what anyone says, to me Milan is fantastic and it will always have a big place in my heart as it was the very first city where I lived alone (meaning without parents) <3 CIAOOO
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