Hits from the streets #7

tommy-ton-street-style-janatiniObdobie fashion weekov je tu a s nimi úžasné zábery z ulíc, odkiaľ ja osobne beriem veľmi veľa inšpirácie. Kto číta môj blog vie, že mojim top street style fotografom je Tommy Ton. MIlujem jeho štýl a spôsob, akým vie zachytiť módu v pohybe. Módni edotori, stylisti,, celebrity, modleky a blogeri si dávajú obzvlášť záležať, čo majú na sebe lebo vedia, že práve Tommyho optika môže ich look zvečniť na street style stránky módneho portálu

The fashion week season has begun and a street style images overload came with it. I always love browsing these photos because I take a lot of inspiration from it. Who reads my blog knows, that Tommy Ton is my favourite street style photographer. I love his style and way of capturing fashion in a movement. Fashion editors, stylists, celebrities, models and bloggers make the best out of their outfits not only to show off their style but also hoping to be captured but this street style legend and featured on pages of

16-tommy-ton-fall-2015-menswear-street-style-20 14-tommy-ton-fall-2015-menswear-street-style-0312-tommy-ton-fall-2015-menswear-street-style-1014-tommy-ton-fall-2015-menswear-street-style-15   11-couture-fashion-week-spring-2015-street-style-16 11-couture-fashion-week-spring-2015-street-style-07 11-couture-fashion-week-spring-2015-street-style-06 11-couture-fashion-week-spring-2015-street-style-02 10-couture-fashion-week-spring-2015-street-style-14 10-couture-fashion-week-spring-2015-street-style-08 10-couture-fashion-week-spring-2015-street-style-05 10-couture-fashion-week-spring-2015-street-style-04 10-couture-fashion-week-spring-2015-street-style-03 09-couture-fashion-week-spring-2015-street-style-02

Photos: Tommy Ton for

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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