Another big day in the Beckham family – after Victoria becoming a successful fashion designer, David releasing his underwear line at H&M and little Harper being unofficially crowned as the most fashionable baby girl – their son Romeo Beckham makes his debut in the fashion world this week by starring in the new BURBERRY SS2013 campaign. We can’t expect anything less from a child of such amazing parents he has
Ďaĺsí veľký deň v rodine Beckhamovcov – po tom, čo sa Viktória stala úspešnou módnou návrhárkou, David debutoval so svojou kolekciou spodného prádla minulý rok a malá Harper bola neoficiálne korunovaná za naj-trendy bábätko roka, ich syn Romeo Beckham včera zažiaril v novej kampani BURBERRY Jar-Leto 2012. Čo iné by sa dalo očakávať od dieťaťa takých úspešných rodičov
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