Let’s start with the cool kid. I love everything he’s wearing (and I’d totally wear it too!) but the best accessory really are his cute pink cheeks!! I could just pinch them!!
The cool dude with i-dont-give-a-shit-but-feel-free-to-take-my-picture attitude. dope shoes. like.
hmm. I love the sweater, have the same one in green, hah. altho most guys would neeever ever wear this, somehow this dude makes it work. bravo.
I loooove men in suit jackets. love love love. the funkier, the better.
I’m under a suspicion that this is my friend Nico, after his luggage got lost at the airport with razors in them. I mean, you have to style your whole outfit around that crazy bush! love the white-raybans-matching-the-egyptian-cotton-shirt combo. bravo, Nicola!
funky socks – cool. no socks – very cool. until you take your shoes off. ops
the confused look. don’t try this at home.
(pics courtesy of www.theurbangent.com & stockholmstreetstyle)
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