sugarbird-jana-tomas-janatini-photo-jan-zemiar-4A few weeks ago I was approached by SUGARBIRD to become a face of their brand. I am super excited about this collaboration, since I’ve had an eye on their dresses for a while now. The brand was founded in 2007 in Hungary and has been spreading across the border since then. By now there are several of their stores in Slovakia, where you can buy not only the perfect cocktail dresses and gowns, but also very chic casual wear. Every season they come with a special limited collection done by one of their faces. Today they are opening another store in Bratislava, have my Sugarbird attire ready, stay tuned for the photos from the opening! 😉

Pred pár týždňami ma oslovila značka SUGARBIRD, aby som sa stala ich tvárou. Veľmi sa teším z tejto spolupráce, nakoľko ich krásne šaty obdivujem už veľmi dlho. Značka bola založená v roku 2007 v Maďarsku a od vtedy rozširuje svoje pobočky aj poza hranice. Momentálne je po Slovensku niekoľko ich obchodov, kde si môžete zakúpiť nielen ich skvelé róby a koktejlky, ale aj veľmi chic kúsky na voľný čas. Každú sezónu vychádzajú so šeciálnou limitovanou kolekciou navrhnutou jednou z ich tvárí. Dnes sa otvára ďaľší ich obchod v Bratislave v obchodnom centre Avion. Moje šugarky sú nachystané, fotky z eventu postnem o pár dní! 😉


photos: JAN ZEMIAR for Emporium Brands & Sugarbird

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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3 komentáre

  1. paigedenobrega
    10 rokov ago

    Such a gorgeous dress – love the layering of fabric on the bodice! The colour looks magnificent on your skin tone! x

    1. Jana
      10 rokov ago

      Thank you darling!

    2. Jana
      10 rokov ago

      thank you 🙂


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