A week late but here is my selection of my top collections of Bratislava Fashion Days… Let me know what you think, another one of out „fashion weeks“ are actually starting today! yay!
Síce týždeň po ale predsa – selekcia (podľa mňa) top kolekcií z Bratislavských módných dní. Čo si o nich myslíte? Ďaľší z našich fashion „weekov“ začína dnes! Jeej!
Her show was the last one on the 3rd day and I admit it was a nice wake up call to the quite boring rounds of previous shows. A lot of lace, corsets and femininity .Jana didnt disappoint , as always 🙂
Jej show bola posledná v tretí deň prehliadok a priznám sa,že bola príjemným budíčkom po trochu monotónnych kolekciách pred ňou. Veĺa krajky, korzetov a ženskosti. Jana nesklamala, ako vždy 🙂
No need to introduce this famous designer duo. With their new collection Neutral001 pleased all the lovers of originality, including myself. Bravo!
Známe návrhárske duo netreba predstavovať. Svojou novou kolekciou Neutral001 potešili všetkých milovníkov originality vrátane mňa. Bravo!
..and his men’s collection has shocked I think everyone in a very positive way. The prints were so nice to look at and each garment is a piece you wanna wear. Even me, as a woman 🙂
.. a jeho dlhoočakávaná pánska kolekcia šokovala mysléim každého, v pozitívnom zmysle slova. Módne kúsky s potlačou boli veľmi chic a každý z nich si chcete obliecť. Dokonca aj ja a to som žena 🙂
The newcomer of slovak fashion scene / Objav modnej sceny
photos: zenskyweb.sk
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