FACE of 2012

The big finale of FACE of 2012 was the highlight of the last weekend in Bratislava. Having the chance to be part of the team and after spending a week with them in bootcamp in Greece knowing how much hard work the girls and the team went trough, it was a great feeling to see the final result. The show was spectacular, different than all the contest also thanks to the input of choregrapher and amazing dancer Filip Jankovic and a great aspiring designer Dominika Jankovicova, both living in London. You could see the british touch also thanks to the UK designer Sorapol as well as british dancers. Great show and even better afterparty !! 😀

MInulú sobotu večer sa konalo veľké finále modelingovej súťaže FACE of 2012 v Bratislave. Keďže som mala šancu byť členkou teamu a strávila som s nimi týždeňˇna sústredení v Grécku, viem koľko príprav a driny tomu predchádzalo a bolo úžasné vidieť výsledok. Show bola veľkolepá, líšila sa od iných súťaži taktiež vďaka skvelému choreografovi a tanečníkovi Filipovi Jankovičovi a mladej módnej návrhárke Dominike Jankovičovej, obom žijúcich v Londýne. Britský nádych tomu dodal aj extravagantný návrhár Sorapol, ako aj tanečníci. Skvelá show a ešte lepšia afterparty! 😀

Dominika Jankovicova’s collection
Sorapol’s collection
me and Betty at the aftreparty
(my dress is by Katarina Romarcikova PARIS)

..aaaand here is a video from the afterparty !!

photos by Pavol Harum &

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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