greece ~ day 3

On day no.3 we decided to take a BOAT TRIP! I was so excited about the fact I am (after year) on a boat on an open sea that I didn’t even take a picture of my outfit that day and in fact you wont event see it, because of what happened afterwards. First we went to a little island called Amouliani, that is so tiny that you go around it in 10 min. We stopped on a beach with nothing but an old blue boat, that has been obviously parked there for a while. We decided to do a couple of shots since I loved the scenery and continue to another beach. As we got there the sky got dark (what you wouldnt really tell from these pics) and there was a storm coming. We were not allowed to leave, so had to wait for another boat to come and rescue us and it took another 40 min to get to Chalkidiki. The wawes were so massive (2 meters high!!) and the boat so tiny that it seemed like we are surfing!!! 😀 The only thing I kept thinking was „shame I dont have a waterproof camera“ haha 😀 At least I know what to take for a next boat trip !! 😀

Na tretí deň sme sa rozhodli vybrať sa výlet loďkou. Tak som sa tešila, źe som po dlhej dobe na otvorenom mori že som si povedala, že si užijem jazdu a outfit nafotím neskôr, lenže som sa k tomu nakoniec nedostala kvôli príhode, ktorá sa nam stala neskôr. Najprv sme dorazili na ostrov Amouliani, kde bola malá opustená pláž, na ktorom nebol nikto a nič okrem starej modrej polámanej loďky. Scenéria bola nádherná, nafotila som pár záberov a šli sme na ďalší ostrov. Čo by ste ale nepovedali z fotiek je, že sa zrazu strašne zamračilo a nedovolili nám odísť. Počkali sme na ďalšiu loď a trvalo ďalších 40 min, kým sme sa dostali späť na Chalkidiki. Vlny boli obrovské, voda špliechala úplne všade a vyzeralo to ako keby sme surfovali a nie plavili sa 😀 Jediné na čo som celý čas myslela bolo – škoda že nemám vodotesný foťák, zábery by boli nenormálne!! 😀

blue & yellow bikini – H&M, pink bikini – calzedonia

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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