Sex and the city style shopping !!
Massive ESPRIT outlet
Very cool changing rooms
Sona Skoncova inteviewing the „woman with a beard“
The FTV crew from Slovakia was invited yesterday to the VILLAGGIO grand opening, the new part of Parndorf Designer outlet in Austria (20 min from Bratislava). The highlight of the evening was definitely the austrian singer Conchita Wurst, famous not only for her great voice but also for her very unique appearance (the beard is real btw) Great shopping + champagne = lots of fun !
FTV team bol včera pozvaný na otvorenie novej časti outletu v Parndorfe – VILLAGGIO. Najzaujímavejším bodom večera bola jednoznačne rakúska speváčka (spevák?) Conchita Wurst, známa nielen pre svoj úžasný hlas, ale hlavne pre svoj jedinečný štýl – oblieka sa ako žena ale necháva si bradu.. Skvelé nákupy + šampanské = veľa zábavy !!
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