Jean Paul Gaultier for Lindex collection is here!


It’s stripy, it’s blue and white and it’s chic.. the moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived – Jean Paul Gaultier for LIndex collection is out since last week! Not only it’s very stylish and very Gaultier-ish like, it also supports breast cancer foundation by donating 10% of all sales to a breast cancer research.
Of course picking up a few pieces was a must at the pre-launch party we were invited to!

Je pásikavá, je modro biela a je chic. Moment, na ktorý sme tak dlho čakali je konečne tu – kolekcia Jean Paul Gaultier for Lindex dorazila do obchodov minulý týźdeň. Je niele veľmi štýlová, veľmi Gaultierovská, ale hlavne 10% z celého zisku ide na podporu rakoviny prsníka. Ulovenie niekoľkých kúskov bolo samozrejme nevyhnutnosťou na uvádzacom evente minulý týždeň v Poluse, na korý som bola pozvaná. 

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jacket – vintage
bag – Prada
pants – zara
shoes – NOVESTA Corduroy Khaki
watch – Michael KOrs

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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