Maybe you remember my post about the „secret project“ I wrote a few months ago (If not, you can read it HERE).
Well, it’s no longer a secret project, it has a name! ‘KNOW YOUR SINS“ has it’s first videos out – teaser and 2 backstage videos.
KNOW YOUR SINS is an experimental fashion short movie produced by CSPOT. It points out our sins, how we deal with them on daily basis, incorporating fashion in it. I not only acted in it (as Pride, ha), but also did the styling and costume design.
The short movie and pictures are about to be released soon, they will tell the story better….
Možno si pamätáte môj „secret project“ post, ktorý som napísala pred pár mesiacmi (ak nie, prečítate si ho TU). Projekt už nie je „secret“ čiže tajný, už má aj meno! „KNOW YOUR SINS“ (Poznaj svoje hriechy) je krátky experimentálny fashion film vytvorený teamom CSPOT. Cez módu poukazuje na naše hriechy a ako sa s nimi dennodenne pasujeme. Ja som si v ňom nielen zahrala (ako Pýcha, ha), ale tak isto robila styling a kostýmový dizajn. Film a fotky uzrú svetlo sveta už čoskoro, ten Vám povie príbeh asi najlepšie…
Unfortunately it’s in slovak only. Basically it’s a wrap up interview at 3.30am (hence my ultra-tired look lol) and how wonderful it was to be a part of this project
Backstage video s mojimi dojmami a pocitmi…tiež ich napadlo to robiť o pol štvrtej ráno, kde som od únavy nevedela na ktorej povale to vlastne som
Silvia’s interview (slovak only again)
SIlviine dojmy a pocity a o tom ako (nie) je ľahké závidieť
Creative video by CSPOT
Directed by Martin Fatrdla
Screenplay Martin Fatrdla, Martina Nemčeková
Make-up & Hair Boris Bordács
Styling & Costume Design Jana Tomas
Dress by Lukáš Kimlička
Jewels by Mikloško
Equipment & Technical Support
Actors Jana Tomas, Silvia Repová
Camera Martin Fatrdla
2nd Camera Operator Dominik Chovan
Production Assistents Marian a Dušan Myjavec
Project Assistant Martin Bega
Director of Photography Martina Nemčeková
Photography Postproduction Martina Nemčeková, Lukáš Kout/Fairy Arts
Editor Martin Fatrdla
VFX Martin Fatrdla
Music Editor Martin Fatrdla
Artists involved :
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