this is spring? then why am I wearing a winter coat?

jana-tomas-bratislava-1The calendar says that the spring has sprung, but it sure doesn’t seem like it outside. Wind, snow, bloody cold. We’ve been freezing our butts off for quite a while now and not that I don’t love wearing fabulous winter clothes, but enough is enough …. I’m starting to protest to this kinda weather by wearing more bright colors (after a long dark-coloured winter) so I bought this red scarf…. which gives me at least a tiny bit of imaginary warmth ..

Kalendár sće hovorí, že jar nám začala, ale určite to vonku tak nevyzerá. Vietor, sneh a sku*vená zima. Vonku mrzne už niekoľko mesiacov a nie že by som nerada nosila svoje zimné vychytávky, ale už stačilo… Rozhodla som sa protestovať voči tejto zime zaradením jasných farieb do môjho šatníka – a kúpila si tento červeno-strakatý šál, ktorý mi aspoň na chvíľu navodí ilúziu tepla… jana-tomas-bratislava-2jana-tomas-bratislava-5jana-tomas-bratislava-4jana-tomas-bratislava-3
coat – zara
bag – Balenciaga
jeans & shoes – stradivarius

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Stylist, blogger, traveller, content creator.

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1 Comment

    12 rokov ago

    I like the aggressive wishing for a weather change.. and i follow your thoughts when you stand in front of Sushi facing the… other side of the Central Square of Bratislava, in this magnetizing-eye-catcher reddish scarf. LET IT BE SUMMER AGAIN !!


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